Evening Pre University College

Welcome to Seshadripuram Evening P.U. College

Seshadripuram Evening P.U. College was established in 1971 with the objective of providing basic education to the youth. It is the oldest educational institution in Karnataka and Top Evening P.U College in Bangalore. The campus has an ambience of multi-cultural student community. It is also an educational platform where several strata of society of this locality, Seshadripuram in particular and Bengaluru in general shake hands and grow together. The college promotes excellence in education required for the globalized world but firmly rooted in Indian ethos.

From the Principal's Desk

Seshadripuram Evening Pre-University college is one of the leading Institution in the field of education. We have well equipped with highly qualified, experienced and dedicated lecturers...

Students Opinion:-
  • This college is providing all the facilities to cater the needs of students to meet the challenge of Global world with some special features like Qualified lecturers, Qualitative teaching, well equipped computer labs and pleasant environment. This enables us to gain knowledge and succeed in life.

    Rajesh II P.U.C [CEBA]

  • In my college every time I meet somebody I put my hands in front and say "Namaste". It indicates I honour the place where the entire universe usides Day by day we come across delightful thoughts of some great individual like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Vivekananda, Mother Teresa, Kabir Das. These thought inspires us to modify our life and to achive all our dreams.

    Asma II P.U.C [HEBA]

  • I am proud to be a part of seshadripuram evening P.U college for which I would like to thank our principal for admitting me in the college as I never felt that I was studying in evening college, because my lecturers have shaped my hidden talents to utilize them correctly to reach my goal.

    Nikhil M C II P.U.C [HEBA]

  • I feel proud to say I was an ex student of Seshadripuram evening P.U. college. I was an average student but I am proud in P.U. securing second class in the year 2006-2007. This is only because of my lecturers coaching, motivation and my efforts. I shall be greatful and thankful to principal who's kind natured, gave me a chance to call myself as a student of this college by giving admission.

    Shashi II P.U.C [CEBA]

  • I would like to thank our principal who has been very kind and has been as a hard as nails (unsentimental) all the lecturers have watched us like a hawk and helped us in hard cheese (difficult time). The lecturers have brought out our hidden talent. In this pretty world, our college has contributed best services to the students.

    Thavaselvan II P.U.C [HEBA]

  • The campus of this college is much better than compared to other day colleges. They maintain discipline and time sense. Here the principal gives encouragement to the students in the purpose of education, cultural activities and also the teaching is best compared to other colleges.

    Kiran Kumar M. I P.U.C [CEBA]


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